Thursday, March 8, 2012

News of the Day: Reflection

This blog is supposed to describe my usage of Twitter as a search engine for my news, as well as my brief thoughts on what I read today in San Diego UT's front page story on Gary Stein, Marine Sargent from Temecula, CA. He has been identified as the Marine whom started a Tea Party FaceBook group and recently posted hateful and defiant speech towards the President of the United States, Barack Obama. I saw the article in the UT while eating a slice of pizza at Allen's in Carlsbad. I felt the urge to talk about it so I gave the paper over to the gentleman near me eating, told him this was a good, but sad read. I wanted to talk about it some more, so I looked up articles on the matter by searching "Stein Military" in my mobile TweetDeck App. and was directed to articles from Yahoo, Huffington Post, and a newspaper co. site. The UT quoted what Stein said on FB, which was in regards to his thoughts on disciplinary actions possibly happening to those whom were involved in the recent Koran burnings in Afghanistan. I will not repeat the quote, as many other news articles have refrained as well, and the latter story is another conversation in itself. I at the moment I am sickened, and scared, of people like Gary Stein.

I don't care about the story from a political standpoint. As a supporter of Barack Obama, some may feel I am mad at him because he doesn't support my views politically. But the way he spoke about the president was vulgar and disrespectful to the point that it made me upset. He and many Tea Partiers have been distasteful, hateful, and racist at times (See Part 2 of the video here). Coming from the standpoint that Nazis used hate to create political momentum, I feel that this is the most "nazi"-istic party America has ever bred.

Every person entering the U.S. military repeats an oath swearing to support and defend the U.S. Constitution and "that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me." This an oath to good maintaining good form, supporting the republic for which its stands; it is also an oath of not supporting unethical behavior, like the burning of the Koran or urinating on dead Afghan civilians.

1 comment:

  1. Well put Robert, as you may guess I really don't like Obama at all. However, this marine needs to show the respect due to the President of our country and obey the orders of his Commander in Chief. Not to mention keep follow the laws beset by the Marine Corp. As much as I dislike Obama I still respect him and his point of view, and I certainly hope the best for him and the things he is doing for our country.
